Friday, January 2, 2015

I Have No Idea What I'm Doing

I'll say it again. I have no idea what I'm doing. That statement could be so all-encompassing for so many aspects of my life. I have no idea what I'm doing most days as a mom, as a wife, as a "homemaker"--the list goes on. And I have absolutely NO idea what I'm doing with this blog. I don't have a theme, I don't have any sort of direction--I just know I want to start writing and I need to just START. Not try to be clever with it, or creative. I just need to write. I spend so much of my life being Mommy, and doing for the other people in my life, and I need something for myself. This blog is something that just mine, for me to be no one else but Sarah. I'm sure I will write about mommy stuff, stuff that happens around the house, my endeavors to try and be some sort of housewife, etc., but the writing part? That's all mine.

I posted on Facebook on New Year's Eve that "I look ahead to this year optimistic and hoping to not ever change who I am, but to continue to become a better version of myself and to love myself even when I stumble in that pursuit" and I think if I have any sort of theme for this blog, that's it. Even this blog is one of my many attempts to better myself, and I'm hoping it sees me through all the other efforts I make towards that goal. Not that I don't think I'm already pretty fabulous :), but I have struggled some this past year, and I intend to not carry those struggles and doubts into the new year. So here's to bettering Sarah. <3